July 3rd is our Interactive Climate Change Sunday Service. 'Incredible Edible' will be a part of the service. Below is how it started and a video TED Talk about 'How we can eat our landscapes' with Pam Warhurst one of the founders. A bit of history. A group of folks meet in a café. Pam and Mary work alongside a number of volunteers to share hopes and stories about what they dreamed for their town. They said things like – if you eat, you’re in and believe in the power of small actions. Pam and Mary led the group of friends to start Incredible Edible Todmorden, using growing as a visible sign of a kinder connected community. Video TED Talk 'How we can eat out landscapes' with Pam Warhurst
AboutThese posts will track our journey as a church fellowship as we journey on the path to be an Eco-Church Archives
October 2022
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