Our text for this Mornings Sermon comes from 2Corinthians Chapter 4 verse 6 " The God who said " Out of darkness the light shall shine”, is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts to bring us the knowledge of God's glory shining in the face of Christ". StF 20 Be still for the presence of the Lord. Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Gracious God, your glory fills the universe: we see it in the sun, moon and stars. Your glory is all around us: we see it in majestic trees, delicate flowers, tumbling streams and cascading waterfalls. Your glory is in us, created in your image. And so, we praise you. Gracious God, your glory was seen in Jesus Christ, your Son, who lived among us and loved us to the end. Your glory is seen in those who follow Jesus, loving as he loved, caring as he cared. And so we praise you. Gracious God, your glory was seen in the Holy Spirit, brooding over the waters of chaos, sweeping down in tongues of flame. Your glory is seen in those filled with the Spirit, inspiring us, challenging us, enabling us. And so, we praise you. Amen. Our heavenly Father, thank you that you love us and care for us all the time. We know that this week we have not always lived the way you tell us. We have done wrong things and not done all the good things we should have done. You have told us that if we say sorry and really mean it you will forgive us and help us to live as your friends. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. We say together the prayer Jesus taught his disciples Our Father……. Psalm 99 Reading Exodus 34 v29-35 StF 335 Rejoice the Lord is King Reading 2 Corinthians 3v12- 4v2 Sermon StF 59 Lord the Light of your love is shining Prayers of intercession God’s presence makes the face shine, the spirit soar, the heart beat. God’s presence breaks the stony rules, the hard heart, the silent grief. Lord In your mercy, hear our prayer God’s presence fills the mountain top, the earth below the waiting crowd. God’s presence changes the old ways, the trodden paths, the wasted lives. . Lord In your mercy, hear our prayer Make your presence felt where the darkness is too deep, the grief too sore, the divisions too wide, the sorrow too long, the pain too harsh, for mere mortal hands to make whole and well. Lord In your mercy, hear our prayer Make your presence felt where the thirst is so great, the hunger so rooted, the spirit so afflicted, the heart so weary, the mind so distracted, that earthly things cannot soothe or console. . Lord In your mercy, hear our prayer In a moment of silence we bring to you those on our hearts and minds that need your loving care. In your mercy, hear our prayer Make your presence felt in us and through us, that lives be transformed, faces be transfigured, by the glorious grace of the father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. A special prayer for Ukraine from the Methodist website We pray for our governments and political leaders – for wise counsel and sound initiative to defuse tension -for diplomats – that they may have space to negotiate for the people of Ukraine – that their close ties with the people of Russia and other neighbours will remain strong even in the face of military threat. We pray that all governments commit time to dialogue and understanding, respect the will and freedom of all peoples, invest in welfare and alleviation of poverty and reject militarism and the threat of violence. May Christ’s teaching and example be our inspiration, may hearts and minds be changed, and may your holy spirit be at work transforming each of us day by day, Through your everlasting grace and mercy Amen StF 548 Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine Blessing
As we leave this place, may the Living Lord go with us May he go behind us, to encourage us, beside us, to befriend us, above us, to watch over us, beneath us, to lift us from our sorrows, within us , to give us the gifts of faith, hope, and love, and always before us , to show us the way. Amen
Gathering. …we have this treasure in clay pots to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from ourselves” 2 Cor 4:7 Let us draw near to God. StF 470 - Lord for the years . By the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields Prayer Almighty God, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below, Heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you; how much less this house which we have built. And yet to us as we gather here this is indeed your house and the gate of heaven. And we worship you. Almighty God, to whose glory we celebrate the anniversary of this church, we give you thanks for the fellowship of those who have worshipped in this place, and for the fellowship we share today. We come this afternoon as into the courts of a King, with awe and reverence; and yet we come also as your children, with love and confidence. .. and as we come before you remembering Your faithfulness – your Constant love and the dependability of your grace, We are mindful of our own faithlessness our inconstancy and our undependable faith. For the times when we have failed to live as your people… Lord forgive us. Help us by your grace to draw closer to you, to grow to maturity in Christ and may we worship you now in spirit and in truth. Amen. StF 51 Great is thy faithfulness Reading 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 StF 513 Take this moment time and space. Performance © 2020 Ruth and Joy Everingham Message StF 395 Spirit of the living God. WMTV Music Prayers of Intercession In lives that are cracked and broken - may the glory of Christ’s resurrection burst forth. Thank You, Father, that You have poured into our hearts the light of your gospel, which is from Jesus Christ our Saviour. It is through His sacrifice that we have been so blessed, for without the shining Light of the Spirit of Christ within, we would continue to live in the darkness of the world. … and so we come before you now with our prayers for those feeling cracked or broken this day We pray for the world - those living in oppression and fear - world leaders and governments – peoples living in war torn places Silence. In lives that are cracked and broken - may the glory of Christ’s resurrection burst forth. We pray for our local community – the care homes, those who live in the neighbourhood, the groups that utilise the building here Silence. In lives that are cracked and broken - may the glory of Christ’s resurrection burst forth. We pray for this church giving thanks for all those who have been part of this family over many years – for the circuit and for the wider Methodist church family of which we are a part. Silence In lives that are cracked and broken - may the glory of Christ’s resurrection burst forth. We pray for ourselves – Lord you know each of us by name – you know the cracks that we carry, our strengths and our weaknesses – our joys and our sadness. May each of us know your love this day and may the light of your truth, love, and compassion, shine in us, and reflect from us the glories of Christ in all we say and do. In Jesus' name, Amen. StF 67 This, this is the God we adore Blessing
Go out boldly, knowing that in our weakness we find His strength, and as we go may the blessing of God Father son and holy spirit be with us and those for whom we pray, The reading is from Luke's Gospel ' Blessed are you poor for yours is the Kingdom of God.' Blessed are you poor when you are wondering whether you will be able to heat your home this winter. Blessed are you poor when you are going to a foodbank to get food for your family. Is this really what Jesus is saying? STF 570 As we gather, Father, seal us Luke 6:17-36 Address 'Blessed are you poor'?? , Luke Chapter 6 verses 17-26. Rev Stuart Bell STF 681 Community of Christ sung by Rev Pete Brazier and set to video by Rev Rach Ward *Prayers of Intersession In faith let us pray to God our Father’ in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. God of love we pray for the life of your Church throughout the world….May every congregation be a community of love and every Christian a witness to your grace. Renew all who worship that we may be a living fellowship in your Spirit and serve our neighbourhood. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. God of mercy, we pray for the life of the world...and for those who exercise power… Show us how to live as members of the human family; to reject the ways of war; to bear each other’s burdens and to work together for justice and peace. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. God of compassion, we pray for those who are ill or anxious at home or in hospital…. We pray for those whose lives are fill with fear and despair… Draw near with your saving love and bring healing and hope. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. God of glory, we rejoice in the communion of saints, we remember all who have faithfully lived and all who have died in Christian hope, especially…. Help us to follow their example and bring us with them into the fullness of your eternal joy. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. Merciful God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as pass our understanding; pour into our hearts such love towards you that we, loving you above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen STF 575 Before I take the body of my Lord Lord's Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and for ever. Amen STF 596 Now let us from this table rise *Blessing The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord look on you with kindness and give you peace. Amen Go in peace to to love and serve the Lord. In the name of Christ. Amen * Prayers from the Methodist Worship Book published by the Methodist Publishing House
Introduction to the theme – to follow Jesus we hold in tension both challenge and affirmation – today we will hear about the calling of some fishermen to be Jesus’ disciples. The setting for this story is an everyday scene of the time: fishermen beside their boats cleaning their nets after a failed catch. They feel defeated, and then out of their depth, yet Jesus sees differently and draws these fishermen to new depths of life. When they trust his advice to venture into deep waters, not only do they pull in a miraculous catch, they also become caught up in the story of Jesus. This week’s reading explores being called by God and how we respond. Like Peter, we might feel unworthy. We might have to jump in at the deep end. We might feel out of our depth. Do we have the courage to say ‘Yes’ anyway? A gathering prayer Here we are, Lord, with our gifts and our gaps, our successes and our failures, our enthusiasm and our doubts, our passion and our unworthiness. Help us to hear your call and to have the courage to say, ‘Here I am, send me.’ In Jesus’ name. Amen. A prayer of adoration We adore you, O extraordinary God, who came among us as the Son of Man, miraculous in your birth, miracles marking your passage through this world, casting your nets to draw us in and drawing out the extraordinary in us. We praise and adore you. Amen. StF 272 from heaven you came. Sung by New Horizon Choir. Lyrics written by Graham Kendrick. Copyright © 1983 Kingsway’s Thankyou Music. Bible reading Luke 5:1-11 StF 462 Come with me come wander sung by Frodsham Methodist Church Cloud Choir. Written by John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maule (b. 1958) Reproduced from Singing the Faith Electronic Words Edition, number 462 Words and Music: From Heaven Shall Not Wait © 1987, WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow G2 3DH Scotland. www.wgrg.co.uk Pause time: to think of what makes you feel overwhelmed?A prayer of confession Lord, we confess that we fear getting in too deep. When we feel you drawing us to you, calling us to leave the safe confines of life as we know it and plunge into the depths of life with you, we are afraid. What will you ask of us, Lord? For we are ordinary people; we have no tongues to talk in clever parables, we have no miracles to perform. And, the fact is, we’re quite content as we are; we’re happy to serve you from the wings, we don’t want the spotlight. Yet you have drawn us into your story, and you call us to be all that we can be. We confess that we are afraid of our potential; afraid to unleash your power within us. Forgive us, and grant us the courage to overcome our fears and follow you. Amen. Assurance of forgiveness Our Father in heaven forgives us for being less than we might be; Accept then his forgiveness, and his call to shine; step from the shadows now and follow. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Pause Time: to think of ‘how you got caught up in Gods story’ recognizing Gods call on you and how that affirms you.The Lord’s prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and for ever. Amen StF 476 one more step along the world I go sung by members of Grangewood Methodist Church. Written by Sydney Carter. Words and Music: © 1971, Stainer & Bell Ltd, 23 Gruneisen Road, London N3 1DZ www.stainer.co.uk Blessing
Lord of the deep, be with us when we feel out of our depth. Lord of the waves, send us where we are most needed. Lord of the shore, bring us safely home. In Jesus’ name. Amen. © Copyright 2002-2022, ROOTS for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. |
ServicesThese are the Worship at Home versions of the In Person Services, led by our Minister :- Each Service has the videos of the songs and a transcript of the Sermon or reflection.
The Song references (StF) are from the Singing the Faith song book.
The videos of the songs are linked to YouTube or vimeo which may have advertising which Kingswood Methodist Church does not endorse.
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