Call to worship We are living stones created to build a community of grace and loved by God. StF 58 Lord, I come before your throne of grace (What a faithful God) Prayers – adoration/praise Lord God we know your love through your son Jesus Christ who came to build a people; living stones, created to build a community of grace, In Jesus name we praise and thank you! Down the ages you have given your words of prophesy and your vision for love to ordinary people – even to the days of the beginning of the church in this place, to Bill and Eileen Spray and all those who worked with them, and for the joy of knowing that you have used us too in your work of showing love to our community and the world – In Jesus’ name we praise and thank you For the good news that we have heard in the story of Jesus and the early church in the Bible, of sin forgiven and guilt lifted, and for the words of love and encouragement we have heard from the people who have surrounded us. In Jesus’ name we praise and thank you Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit – you will never leave us, you will always work to bring your kingdom through those who are willing to serve, and one day every person will bow the knee before you in wonder at your grace and mercy. And ‘til that day your church will know the privilege of being your heart and hands, and your voice - as we look with excitement towards the future of all that you will do, in Jesus’ name we praise and thank you, Amen Prayer of confession –poem A People Place by William J. Crocker If this is not a place where tears are understood, Where do I go to cry? If this is not a place where my spirit can take wings, Where do I go to fly? If this is not a place where my questions can be asked, Where do I go to seek? If this is not a place where my feelings can be heard, Where do I go to speak? If this is not a place where you’ll accept me as I am, Where can I go to be? If this is not a place where I can try to learn and grow, Where can I be just me? Let us pray – Lord, we want to be a people place but we confess that church has not always been a place of unconditional love and welcome. But we come now to accept your offer of forgiveness; we delight in the chance to begin again – your love is new every morning. In joy we allow your arms to enfold us, your heart to beat through us and your words to inspire us on to be the place where people meet with you. Hear the words of God’s grace - your sins are forgiven - Amen, thanks be to God. Song: For I’m building a people of power Sermon: 'We are living stones, created to build a community of grace and loved by God' - Rev Helen Cameron StF 679 Come, build the church – not heaps of stone Prayers for others God of love these are testing times for our world. It has been hard to witness yet another earthquake in Turkey and Syria this week. The pain and suffering of the people in both of these countries is unimaginable. We continue to pray for all of those who are grieving, all of those who are injured and all of those who have lost everything. The grim anniversary of the war in Ukraine this week reminds us how fragile peace is. As people who know your divine peace we ask for peace in our world. We pray for the leaders of our world as they work out how to react to the violence and make decisions that will impact many people’s lives. Finally, we pray for countries feeling the brutal impact of the climate, in particular Madagascar. As the world faces up to the climate crisis, may we play our part in looking after creation and seek justice for people who are suffering as a result of dramatic climate changes. Help us to be part of the solution to the problems the world faces. Amen. God of love these are testing times for our country. Many people are still really struggling with the cost of living. We pray for people who are finding day-to-day life hard. Thank you for those who are trying to help, for the food banks, advice centres and community interventions bringing some relief and hope. Give volunteers the energy and funds they need to keep going and help us as your people to look after those in need in our community. The ongoing pay disputes continue to impact many people’s lives. We thank you for the discussions this week within the NHS, but we ask for resolution for the many other people, in different sectors seeking new pay deals. May people negotiate in good faith and find a way forward that will bring an end to the disputes. Finally, we pray for our children as they navigate the complexities of social media and the internet. A new NSPCC report this week around the dangers for children and the abuse they suffer is upsetting. Please protect our children and young people. As a church may we work hard to safeguard all of the young people in our care and create safe spaces in which children can flourish and grow in their faith. Amen. Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and for ever. Amen StF 470 Lord, for the years StF 487 You shall go out with joy Blessing
As you go from this place, may the God who releases and trusts you to be the builders of his Kingdom, inspire you to trust and release others – fanning into flame the potential which is all around. Amen
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ServicesThese are the Worship at Home versions of the In Person Services, led by our Minister :- Each Service has the videos of the songs and a transcript of the Sermon or reflection.
The Song references (StF) are from the Singing the Faith song book.
The videos of the songs are linked to YouTube or vimeo which may have advertising which Kingswood Methodist Church does not endorse.
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