Call to Worship. Like the shepherds, we come to the stable, uncertain of what we have heard and seen, longing to hear a word of peace and joy. Like the wise men, we have journeys to make, gifts to offer, and hope in our hearts, that this world can change for the better. Here, in the stillness of this Christmas morning we come together to share the light of Christ, a light that shines out in the darkness of this world. StF174 Light a candle in a darkened place. Reproduced from Singing the Faith Electronic Words Edition, number 174 Words and Music: © 1996, 2002 Clare Stainsby Piano Accompaniment Alex Norman Prayers Loving God, we thank you that you are Love and that you embrace us with your love given to us freely by the birth of Jesus as a tiny baby. We thank you for this Season of Christmas and all that it means to each one of us. You have given us so much. Receive our Praise today. We thank you for the times that many of us have and will be able to share with family and friends, for the joys of giving and receiving and the celebrations we can have. We thank you for the familiar carols and words of scripture that we can share – for everything that has reminds us of that night 2000 years ago when you came among us to share our humanity. You have given us so much. Receive our Praise today. Loving God, Help us to always keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts, to remember the coming of the infant Christ, to worship him with thanksgiving and reverence just as the shepherds and wise men did so long ago, to welcome him and to follow him in the same way that his disciples did when they left everything behind them to do so. You have given us so much. Receive our Praise today. Loving God, speak to us today through all that we share together, the words that we sing in our hymns, through our readings and all that we hear. May our lives be touched and filled with the wonder of your presence and your love. You have given us so much. Receive our Praise today. In the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen The Lord's Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and for ever. Amen Stf 213 O little town of Bethlehem Produced by Christmas Songs and Carols - Love to Sing! Words © Phillips Brooks; music – traditional English melody. Reading: Luke chapter 2 verses 1-14 Stf 216 See him lying in a bed of straw Sung by Frodsham Methodist Church Cloud Choir. Michael Perry (1942–1996) Reproduced from Singing the Faith Electronic Words Edition, number 216 Words: © Mrs B. Perry / Jubilate Hymns, Administered by The Jubilate Group, Kitley House, St Katherines Road, Torquay TQ1 4DE. Reading Titus 3 v 4 - 7 StF 222 Who would think that what was needed. Performed by Northallerton Methodist Church Choir, John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maule (b. 1958) Words: From Heaven Shall Not Wait © 1987, WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow G2 3DH Scotland. <> Prayers of Intercession Lord, Jesus Christ, you came to our world, but there was no place for you. You came to your own people, but they were not ready to receive you. You were born in Bethlehem, but there was no room for you in the inn. You walked among us, sharing our humanity, but had no place to rest your head. You returned to your hometown but suffered rejection by those who knew you. You came to bring life to all people, but you were put to death on a cross. You know what it is to be homeless, hungry, abandoned, and rejected. Today, we bring you our prayers for all those in similar situations today. Friend of the friendless, hear our prayer. We pray for those who have no roof over their head or no place to call their own – waiting, perhaps, on housing lists, or evicted because they cannot pay the rent, homes destroyed by natural disasters, or left behind as they flee from persecution or the threat of war. Friend of the friendless, hear our prayer. We pray for those who live in poor or overcrowded conditions, in shanty towns or refugee camps, hostels or B & B accommodation, tenement blocks or run-down slums; for those who have no choice but to sleep rough on the streets. Friend of the friendless, hear our prayer. We pray for those who feel that they have no place in society – the unemployed, the addict, those who are lonely, oppressed, or persecuted. We pray for all who are sick or suffering in any way, all who suffer and those who have lost loved ones because of the pandemic. We pray especially for all who mourn and feel untouched by the joy of this Christmas season. Friend of the friendless, hear our prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, may we reach out in your name to all who face such situations. May they know your love and the assurance that you care, courage to believe in the future, and strength to meet the present. May those who offer help and those who campaign for justice know your presence and the assurance that you walk with them. Bless all those who try to give hope where there seems only to be hopelessness. Friend of the friendless, hear our prayer. May we all make your love real and show your compassion to those around us. May each one of us be your hands and feet in today’s world wherever we are and be willing to go wherever you may send us. Friend of the friendless, hear our prayer. Lord Jesus Christ, we ask all these things in your name today. Amen. StF 212 O come, all ye faithful Produced by Soundtrack recorded live at the Northern Baptist Association Big Sing, Newcastle upon Tyne. Blessing
As you leave here today, carry joy in your heart. Share joy by seeing the good in others. Share joy by remembering good times and hoping for good times to come. Share joy by praying for our world. As you go out into the wonder of God’s creation share the peace, hope, joy and love of Jesus with those you love, those you know and those you meet. In his wonderful name. Amen
Welcome from Rev Christine Fox You may be at home and be unable to gather for a Carol service but with this webpage we, the members of Kingswood Methodist Church, hope you can join in and sing along. Did we used to take Carol services and singing lots of carols for granted? We’re having to get used to so much change and uncertainty, but amongst it all I want to assure you that God is with us – this is the meaning of the word Emmanuel – and how we long to know God with us – God’s people longed for the coming of the Messiah, we still long for the coming of Jesus at Christmas and we long for Jesus to come to our hearts; come O come Emmanuel! God with us, the constant thread through history and our lives, bringing an order to our chaos, for this God is self-giving love and this kind of love is so desperately longed for and such love brings meaning to life. Christmas is a time for fun and games too. So I’ve set you a puzzle - To make the point of God bringing order in our chaos there is a cunning order in this service - see if you can spot it - and I’ll ask you at the end. As the angels sang that first Christmas so we sing our carols, first - StF190 Angels, from the realms of glory *Prayer of Adoration Child of joy and peace, born to every race -- by your star, the wise will know you, East and West their homage show you, look into your face, child of joy and peace. As we look into your face Jesus we worship and adore you; as you come to earth to be with us we catch a glimpse of the hope that shines from your eyes. As the day of Christmas draws nearer we long for your presence with us, for the love that flows eternally between God the Father, Son Jesus and Holy Spirit, and amazingly flowing out to all the corners of the earth, even to us. Emmanuel, God with us we adore you. Amen StF 193 Born in the night StF 117 Cradled in a manger meanly *Prayer of confession Born among the poor on a stable floor, cold and raw, you know our hunger, weep our tears and cry our anger -- yet you tell us more, born among the poor: As we peer into the stable, sensing the cold and the smell and the damp we are ashamed that the greed and the thoughtlessness of some means that so many are still poor, cold, hungry and sad. If we have ever forgotten your love, Jesus, for these precious ones, forgive us. As the day of Christmas draws nearer we long for wrongdoing to cease, for love to be shown by everyone to those who need it most. Emmanuel, God with us, forgive and restore us. Amen StF 170 Darkness like a shroud Short Reflection – ‘Emmanuel God is with us!’ Rev Christine Fox StF 272 From heaven you came helpless babe *Prayers for others Every child needs bread till the world is fed; you give bread, your hands enable all to gather round one table -- Christmas must be shared, every child needs bread. As we gather round our tables this Christmas, Jesus we pray for all who will not even have bread to eat – we pray for help for refugees who flee war or famine, we pray for wisdom for governments trying to level up between poor and rich, we pray for neighbours to invite the lonely to join them, we pray for courage for us all for Christmas to be shared. Emmanuel God with us, work with us to answer our prayers for others. Amen StF 200 God is born among us, *Prayer for ourselves Son of poverty, shame us till we see self-concerned, how we deny you, by our greed we crucify you on a Christmas tree, Son of poverty. Jesus we pray for ourselves – often self-concerned but today asking for your love to fill us so that love can flow through us to others. Jesus we pray for the joy that comes from seeing others happy, help us to share what you have given to us. As we look forward to Christmas, we pray for the peace you give, no matter what we are going through, when we look for your face in the face of everyone we meet. Emmanuel God with us, humbly we pray for ourselves. Amen What’s the answer to the puzzle? Angels, Born, Cradled, Darkness, Emmanuel! From, God, - last carol – Hark…? if we want to bring order we arrange things alphabetically – useful in a few circumstances but rather limited! God brings order by coming to be with us - Glory to the new-born king! StF 202 Hark the Herald angels sing Blessing
The Lord will stand and feed his flock and they will live secure in his strength; for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth and he shall be the one of peace. (based on Micah 5 vv 4-5) May we receive all that God has for us and go forth in his peace. Amen *Carol service prayers 2021 – inspired by the verses of a carol by Shirley Erena Murray a New-Zealander . This act of worship has been prepared for you by Rev John Rowe to use at home. The Theme is “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” Welcome & Call to Worship Let us prepare the way of the Lord and make straight his path to our hearts and minds – Let us worship God. StF174 Light a candle StF186 Tell out my soul Advent Praise Lord Jesus, we rejoice that you came in fulfilment of age-old prophecy, vindicating at last the long-held expectations of your people. After so many years of frustrated hopes, so many false dawns and disappointments, you dwelt among men and women, the Prince of Peace, the promised Messiah, Son of God. Lord, we rejoice in this season, so full of promise and expectation; this time which reminds us of all that has been and all that is yet to be. May the worship we offer and the events we remember today teach us to trust you completely, knowing that, whatever else may happen, your saving purpose will be fulfilled. You Lord, have shown us that what God promises shall be accomplished and for that assurance we worship and praise you. Amen A prayer of confession Gracious God, Christmas is drawing near. The shops are full of decorations and gifts, and Christmas carols can be heard everywhere. We confess to you now, that we sometimes forget the purpose of our waiting. We look forward to seeing friends and relations, travelling to see them, or welcoming them into our homes; But we forget that Jesus is always seeking a welcome in our hearts. We buy lots of food and plan for special meals, but we don’t leave time for you to feed us through your word. We prepare all kinds of surprises to unwrap, but forget that Jesus should be at the heart of our celebrations. Forgive us Lord for pushing Him to one side, and making ourselves busy with other things. John the Baptist sent a message to Jesus saying, ‘Are You the one who is to come?’ Thank You that Jesus is the one who came, and who still comes, To be our Lord and our Saviour. Help us to keep Him at the centre of all that we do, this Christmas and always. Amen. Readings: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 & John 1:5-8, 19-28 Sermon StF182 On Jordan’s Banks The Baptist’s Cry Intersession Prayers Loving God, we thank you for the hope you have given us in Christ, the meaning and purpose, joy and fulfilment you bring us through him. Hear now our prayer for those who find it hard to hope, those for whom life is hard. Reach out to them in their need, and may the light of Christ break into their darkness. We think of those we label as the Third World - the hungry and undernourished, homeless and refugees, sick and suffering - human beings just like us, deprived of their dignity in the desperate struggle for survival. We think of those who are caught up in war - overwhelmed by fear and hatred, their homes and livelihoods destroyed, each day lived under the threat of violence. Reach out to them in their need, and may the light of Christ break into their darkness. We pray for those who feel overwhelmed by life – the lonely, the frightened, the sad and weary - many dreading what the next day might bring. Lord we think of all those known to us for whom this time is a hard and difficult time………… Reach out to them in their need, and may the light of Christ break into their darkness. Loving God, may the message of hope which Advent brings burst afresh into our world, bringing help, hope and healing. And may we, as those who profess the name of Christ, play our part in showing his love, displaying his care, and fulfilling his purpose, so that he might come again this Christmas to all who have lost hope. Reach out to them in their need, and may the light of Christ break into their darkness. For his name's sake. Amen. StF594 Lord Jesus Christ StF59 Lord, the light of your love (Shine, Jesus, shine) Blessing
Give to us, Lord, ears to hear what you are saying; eyes to see what you are doing; strength to be obedient to your will; courage to declare what we know is true; and the desire to prepare for your coming through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen May the peace of God and the God of peace, be with you all, evermore. Amen |
ServicesThese are the Worship at Home versions of the In Person Services, led by our Minister :- Each Service has the videos of the songs and a transcript of the Sermon or reflection.
The Song references (StF) are from the Singing the Faith song book.
The videos of the songs are linked to YouTube or vimeo which may have advertising which Kingswood Methodist Church does not endorse.
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