This act of Worship for you to use at home has been produced by Revd Christine Fox. Psalm 82 vs 1-4 God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the “gods”: “How long will you[a] defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?[b] Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. StF 77 Give thanks to the Lord our God and king : Words and Music by Chris Tomlin, played and sung by Paul Coleman Prayers of praise and confession O God, source and guide and goal of all that is and all that shall be, we are glad to come into your presence and acknowledge you as the giver of life. In you, every blessing is ours. Help us not to rest in the security and comfort of that blessing, but to be open to the word that you bring us that challenges and changes us, refreshes us and renews us. In the name of Christ, your Son, our Lord, Amen. Though we know you are a loving God, and desire to follow the example of Jesus, we have not always reflected your love, we have not always sought to challenge injustice, to change our ways and attitudes, or be the bringers of peace and healing. Forgiving God, you give us hope even when there appears to be no hope. You have faith in us even when we destroy what you have created. Even when in guilt and shame we are unable to face ourselves, you look upon us as your children. You alone can change us from glory to glory and make us fit for your presence. We may have spoiled the good things you have given us. We may have tainted with our selfish touch the blessings you would share with all. Gifts you have given may lie damaged and broken. But we still can come to you, our God who redeems and restores. Heal us, we pray. Heal the results of our selfish attitudes and actions, and give us your fire in our hearts once again that inspires us to radical acts of kindness and love. Amen. God speaks through the prophet Jeremiah – Bible Reading - Jeremiah 23:23-29 God despairs of those who call themselves his prophets but have no vision for justice, who speak comfortable words that are not God’s words – for the Lord asks – ‘Is not my word like a fire, and like a hammer that breaks rock into pieces? StF 723 Who can sound the depths of sorrow : Words & Music (C) 1988 Graham Kendrick / Make Way Music Ltd played and sung sung by The MAYC Orchestra & Singers Video Introduction to the theme : If I had a hammer sung by Peter, Paul & Mary, words Pete Seeger. Bible Reading - Luke 12:49-56 Message 'Is not God's word like fire and a hammer?' Rev'd Christine Fox. More information on 'A Methodist Way of life' that Christine spoke about in the video above can be found here. Sing 701 heaven shall not wait : John Bell and Graham Maud, sung by members of Frodsham Methodist Church A time of prayer - The world is God’s temple. Let us pray for the world: – for the powerful, that they may know that the world belongs not to them but to the God of love and justice; – for the powerless, that they may know that God is alongside them in their hunger, fear and suffering. (Silence) The church is God’s temple. Let us pray for the church: – for its leaders, that they may guide their people and the world to worship in word and deed; – for the different denominations, that in unity they may come to know and worship the one, undivided God. (Silence) We are God’s temple. Let us pray for ourselves: – for churches meeting in buildings, that they and we may become sanctuaries for the lonely, the worried and the sad, peoples of love and hope; – for each one of us, that our lives may be hymns of worship to the eternal God, sung in confidence and joy. (silence) In the name of our High Priest, Jesus Christ. Amen The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen. Sing 564 O thou who camest from above; John Wesley, sung by Ruth & Joy Everingham Dismissal Standing up for justice (from vice-president Anthony Boateng)it is time to be sorely open to God’s Spirit and rekindle Wesleyan fire - As we face the cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine, the long-term impact of Covid-19, the new asylum law and the virus known as institutional racism, let us as a Church be open to God’s Spirit. This is the time for the Church to stand up and show the world why social justice is in the DNA of Methodism. This is the time to stride further with some of the good work we have already made through our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit. Through unity, guided by the Holy Spirit, let us support people who feel marginalised and voiceless. Let’s challenge the status quo and be an agent of change. Let us remind ourselves of the benchmark Christ has set for all society because God is Lord of every society and nation. Amen. The Grace
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.
1 Comment
14/8/2022 10:15:57 am
That was brilliant lots of things come to... Mind that do. Rile me could t but it here of course. Sorry l wasn't in church today but l slept poorly a d the heat of the last days have got to me. As l sit in my sun room usually a cool place l notice no breeze from. East or west. Love and god ess you and hope some rain falls soon if o ly. For our gardens the rivers and for the wild life. Margaret is
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ServicesThese are the Worship at Home versions of the In Person Services, led by our Minister :- Each Service has the videos of the songs and a transcript of the Sermon or reflection.
The Song references (StF) are from the Singing the Faith song book.
The videos of the songs are linked to YouTube or vimeo which may have advertising which Kingswood Methodist Church does not endorse.
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